
24.02.2025 – GI-Rhein-Main visits Baby Diamond
The GI-Rhein-Main is a regional group of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), the IEEE Computer Society, and the German Chapter of the ACM, the German branch of the Association of Computing Machinery. The GI-Rhein-Main has been organizing events on current topics in computer science since 1989. The events are open to the public, and membership is not required. The focus is on practical applications and the exchange of ideas.
Prof. Thomas Lippert presented an overview of our broad research topics in an hour long lecture along with interesting facts and results from Baby Diamond. Afterwards, the Baby Diamond was shown to the group along with live demonstrations of its capabilities. The participants delighted themselves and brought interesting questions for discussion.

22.01.2025 – South Korean National Contest Winners Visit Goethe University’s Campus and Quantum Computing Institute
On 22.01.25, Goethe University had the pleasure of welcoming a delegation of South Korean students, including three winners of the National Computer Science Contest, along with four other students, four teachers, and a translator from Goethe University. The visit was part of a program rewarding the contest winners with an opportunity to explore international universities, particularly focusing on computer science institutes.
The group began their visit at 10:00 AM in Bockenheim with a guided tour of the campus, including a look at the historic Stern-Gerlach Experiment building and various lecture halls and institute buildings. At 10:30 AM, they arrived at the Quantum Computing Institute, where Philip Döbler provided an insightful presentation and demonstrated the university’s quantum computer.
The visit was supported by the Korean Invention Promotion Association (KIPA), represented by Dr. Woon Sun Kim, Vice President of KIPA. The students, who recently completed high school, are considering careers in IT and exploring opportunities to study computer science abroad, with Germany being a key area of interest. Goethe University was honored to host these talented young minds and hopes this visit inspires further academic exchanges in the future.

20.01.2025 – Field trip to Jülich Supercomputing Centre
On Monday, January 20, 2025, MSQC organized a field trip to the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) for the students of Prof. Lipperts lecture “Introduction on Modular Supercomputing”.
Professor Lippert warmly welcomed the group, and the program at JSC began with three presentations on their supercomputer hardware, how to compute on the supercomputers of JSC, and analyzing tools for optimizing the programs and computation.
The group then toured the impressive server room, which houses the Centre’s supercomputers. The visit was concluded with an introduction to quantum computing including a close-up look at D-Wave’s quantum annealer and a visit to the labs where researchers work on the technical components of quantum systems.
The visit provided the students with valuable insights into the world of supercomputing and quantum technology outside of the lecture hall.


16.12.2024 – Hessen’s first quantum computer commissioned at Goethe University
Hessen took a quantum leap today with the official commissioning of the federal state’s first quantum computer, located at Goethe University Frankfurt. The ceremonial start-up was attended by Science Minister Timon Gremmels and Digital Minister Prof. Dr. Kristina Sinemus. Prof. Dr. David DiVincenzo was the guest speaker. “Baby Diamond” is the new quantum computer with five quantum bits and runs at room temperature. We have created a dedicated page about this device where you can find out more information.

11.12.2024 – New Cooperation: John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC) Enters into Partnership with Goethe-University Frankfurt
The John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), a partnership between the Jülich Supercomputing Centre in Forschungszentrum Jülich, the Helmholtz centres DESY, and GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, has now been joined by Goethe-University Frankfurt as its fourth partner.
Like the other centres, Goethe-University Frankfurt will contribute to NIC’s fundamental goals: innovative high-performance computing, artificial intelligence methods, data-driven modelling, and energy-efficient technologies. In addition to providing supercomputer capacity, NIC supports research proposals, provides information technology infrastructure, offers targeted supercomputer-oriented research and development, and promotes education and training in the field of scientific computing.
The four partners are looking forward to continuing this collaboration and exploiting the potential in high-performance computing and artificial intelligence even more effectively and advancing the training of the next generation of scientists and engineers.

19.11.2024 – MSQC and the Jülich Forchungszentrum at the Supercomputing Conference SC24
The MSQC team, together with the Jülich Forschungszentrum, is excited to participate in the SC24. The Supercomputing Conference, held this year in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, is a premier international event showcasing advancements in high-performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis, bringing together professionals and innovators from around the world.
You can learn more about SC24 here.
Prof. Lippert, Dr. Jattana, Cedric Gaberle and Lucas Menger are looking forward to a great week!

08.11.2024 – Dr. Manpreet Jattana Delivers Keynote Address at Goethe-University Frankfurt
Dr. Manpreet Jattana delivered the keynote address at Dr. Hansjörg Ast’s retirement celebration at Goethe-University Frankfurt. Following CIO Ulrich Schielein’s address, Dr. Jattana shared early results from the Baby Diamond quantum computer. Even though no pictures of the Baby Diamond can be divulged at this point, the audience showed great interest in the machine and the results shared, leading to an engaging Q&A session.
Dr. Hansjörg Ast is a lecturer at Goethe University in Frankfurt and serves as the head of the HRZ (Hochschulrechenzentrum). Dr. Ast played a significant role in implementing the “Fiber to the Office” (FTTO) network across campus, which supports efficient, scalable IT operations for the university’s extensive research and academic needs. We wish Dr. Ast a happy retirement!

28.10.2024 – New Member at MSQC!
We are excited to welcome Dr. Peter Stork as a new addition to our team! Dr. Stork, an experienced Partner and Technology Innovation Advisor at KPMG AG Deutschland, brings decades of expertise in business consulting and strategic innovation from his leadership roles at KPMG, IBM Business Consulting Services, and PwC. Currently expanding his technical depth with a Master’s in Computer Science, Dr. Stork’s unique blend of practical and academic experience will be invaluable to our team. We look forward to working together!

23.10.2024 – MSQC at the Digital-Gipfel in Frankfurt 2024
On the 21st and 22nd of October, MSQC took part in the Digital-Gipfel with a stand and several guided tours—both focused on quantum computing.
At the stand, visitors experienced a live demonstration of an NV-Center-based quantum computer developed by the company XeedQ. The display drew many curious attendees, including State Secretary Daniela Kluckert. Visitors had the chance to explore how quantum computers are programmed and learn about the significance of Frankfurt hosting its own quantum computer. Additionally, the computer ran various programs, and guests enjoyed a game of Quantum Tetris, where the quantum computer generated random numbers to determine the next piece.
Beyond the stand, guided tours started from our own headquarters at Kettenhofweg 139, leading participants through the rich history of quantum mechanics, including a visit to the site of the historic Stern-Gerlach experiment. The tours then shifted to present-day advancements in quantum mechanics, featuring a talk on its applications in quantum computing. As a highlight, participants enjoyed an art installation by Freydis Schmidt and Marvin Nickel, whose work creatively interpreted quantum mechanics, merging art and science in a remarkable display. Link to the main article.

10.10.2024 – Digital-Gipfel 2024 Offers Workshop Day for Students
As part of the Digital-Gipfel 2024, a special workshop day for students will be offered, focusing on AI, data, and digitalization in academics. The workshop will take place on October 21, 2024. To participate, you must be a Bachelor’s or Master’s student at Goethe-University Frankfurt and register here. Early registrants this week will also have the opportunity to visit the exhibition at Kap Europa.

07.10.2024 – MSQC Takes Part in the Digital-Gipfel Frankfurt 2024
We are excited to announce that the MSQC will be a part of the Digital-Gipfel Frankfurt 2024!
The Digital-Gipfel is a key event in Germany focusing on digital transformation, innovation, and technology. It brings together industry leaders, policymakers, and tech experts to discuss advancements in areas like AI, cybersecurity, digital infrastructure, and sustainability.
This year, the MSQC will have a stand at the Digital-Gipfel and will also offer a limited number of guided “Quantum-Tours”. These tours will offer a unique opportunity to learn about how quantum computers work and to get to know some quantum-relevant locations in Frankfurt. Members of the public are invited to register for the opportunity to participate in the tours, which will take place around the Bockenheim Campus of the Goethe-University Frankfurt.
You can find more information about the Digital-Gipfel 2024 here.
You can register for the guided tours here (Zur Anmeldung -> Registrieren -> Smart City Frankfurt -> Quantencomputing an der Goethe-Universität).
We look forward to meeting you!

07.10.2024 – Dr. Jingfu Zhang Gives Talk at the MSQC
The MSQC was pleased to host Dr. Jingfu Zhang from the Institute for Quantum Optics at Ulm University, who presented a talk titled “Quantum Computing Using Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) Centers in Diamond.” Dr. Zhang’s presentation offered critical understanding into the implementation of quantum algorithms and advancements in quantum state measurements.

24.09.2024 – Dr. Sandra Nestler Gives Talk at the MSQC
Dr. Sandra Nestler from the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and Network Biology Research Laboratory (Technion Israel Institute of Technology) delivered a lecture at the MSQC titled “Non-Linear Transformations and Feature Selection in Neural Networks.” Her presentation provided participants with valuable insights into the understanding and mechanics of neural networks.

23.09.2024 – Vogt-Insitut Visits the MSQC
On September 23rd, the Chair for Modular Supercomputing and Quantum Computing (MSQC) hosted a networking and academic exchange event with colleagues from the Cécile und Oskar Vogt-Institut für Hirnforschung. Held at Kettenhofweg 139, the event began with a guided tour of the nearby Senckenberg Museum (organised by the Vogt-Institut), followed by a productive exchange of ideas in a relaxed atmosphere.
MSQC extends its gratitude to the Vogt-Institut for their visit.
You can find out more about the work from Vogt-Institut here.

02.09.2024 – Deutsche Bank-Experten führen interaktive Diskussion über die Auswirkungen des Quantencomputings an der Goethe-Universität
Drei Mitarbeiter (Joerg-Cornelis Schneider, Jens Börnemeyer & Jonathan Spohn) der DeutschenBankTechnology,Data&Innovation besuchten das Institut für Modulares Supercomputing und Quantencomputing der Goethe Universität in Frankfurt, um einen Vortrag über die Auswirkungen des Quantencomputings auf Industrie und Gesellschaft zu halten. Der Vortrag von Herrn Jörg-Cornelius Schneider wurde von den Institutsmitgliedern sehr geschätzt und entwickelte sich zu einer interaktiven Gesprächsrunde mit zahlreichen Fragen und Kommentaren.

26.08.2024 – Dr. Peter Nonnenmann Gives Talk at the MSQC
Dr. Peter Nonnenmann from the Duale Hochschule Baden Württemberg gave an engaging talk at the MSQC on a new algorithm in the field of Linear Algebra and Quantum Annealing. This foundational algorithm has a wide range of potential applications, including in Transformer Semantics Analysis/Sheaf Neural Nets, and Feature Learning.

26.07.2024 – Innovectis Visits MSQC
On July 23rd, Dr. Mathias Götz of Innovectis visited the MSQC to give an impulse on the GU/Innovectis services on IP and Entrepreneurship. His talk also covered patents and strategies for achieving them in an academic context. The visit aimed to enhance the support and services offered by GU/Innovectis, fostering innovation and entrepreneurial activities within the group.

23.07.2024 – New Article Published by Thomas Lippert and Manpreet Jattana in Security Survey 2/24 of United Innovations
A new article titled “Shifting the focus from breaking RSA to benchmarking quantum computers” has now been published in the security survey magazine of United Innovations. It can be read here. The non-profit organisation Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Forschungstransfers e.V. (GFFT) is an innovation research institute that is committed to strengthening innovation in German-speaking countries and Europe through research transfer. The “United Innovations” (UI) platform is a branch of GFFT e.V. and aims to effectively promote innovation in Germany, Europe and elsewhere.

15.07.2024 – New Paper Published by Manpreet Jattana as Co-author in Annals of Physics
Can foreign exchange rates violate Bell inequalities? That is the title of a new paper published by Manpreet Jattana as a co-author in the Annals of Physics. The abstract reads: “The analysis of empirical data through model-free inequalities leads to the conclusion that violations of Bell-type inequalities by empirical data cannot have any significance unless one believes that the universe operates according to the rules of a mathematical model.”

09.07.2024 – MSQC Gathers for a Special Evening
On the 8th of July, the MSQC held a gathering that featured a delightful BBQ. Members and friends enjoyed the warm weather, delicious food, and great company. The evening provided an excellent opportunity for team-building, exchanging ideas, and making new – while strengthening old – connections, making it a fruitful event for all.
We look forward to meeting again next year!

04.07.2024 – Lucas Menger and Manpreet Jattana Give a Virtual Talk at the Deutsche Bank
Manpreet Jattana and Lucas Menger were invited by the Deutsche Bank to give a talk on the recent projects of the MSQC group. The talk was given virtually since employees of the Deutsche Bank joined from Frankfurt, Cologne, and Berlin to participate. The talk was followed by a round of questions from the attendees and discussions about potential collaborations on finding common use cases that could be solved using quantum computing technologies.

03.07.2024 – Thomas Lippert Gives a Talk about “The Music of Quantum” at Music Meets Science
Thomas Lippert was invited to give a talk at the “Music meets Science” event organized by the Freunde Junger Musiker e.V. Frankfurt. In his presentation, he gave an introduction to quantum computing and introduced the future quantum computer “Baby Diamond” of the Goethe University. On various levels, he drew parallels between the secrets of the quantum world and music. The talk was musically framed by scholarship holders of the Karajan-Academie.

27.06.2024 – Congratulations for a Successful JUQCA Conference 2024 at the Forschungszentrum Jülich
Quantum computing enthusiasts of the MSQC group presented three posters and two pitches at the Jülich Quantum Computing Alliance (JUQCA) conference held annually in Jülich. Philip Döbler presented his work on “Scalable Matrix Based Error Mitigation“, Cedric Gaberle presented “Streamlined OpenQASM Circuit Generation“, and Lucas Menger prepared a poster on “Portfolio Optimization using Quantum Annealing” which was presented by Manpreet Jattana. Everyone enjoyed the talk from David DiVincenzo about his famous criteria for quantum computers along with discussions with colleagues from various institutes.

13.06.2024- MSQC Group Successfully Presents Workshop on Applied Quantum Computing
Congratulations to group members Philip Döbler, Cedric Gaberle, and Manpreet Jattana for successfully presenting a one day hands-on workshop on applied quantum computing at the summer school 2024 of the NHR Graduate School. The NHR Summer School is organized by the NHR Alliance and Goethe University being part of NHR@SW. This year’s graduate school took place at Technische Universität Dresden.

27.05.2024 – Manpreet Jattana Invited to Discuss Quantum Computing at Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation
The Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation (FIRM), founded in 2009, is supported by the Gesellschaft für Risikomanagement und Regulierung e. V. (Association for Risk Management and Regulation). FIRM cooperates with the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, the House of Finance of the Goethe University as well as other renowned universities and colleges and works closely with them in teaching and research. Manpreet has been invited to discuss the security issues related to cryptography and quantum computing at their annual research conference on 20 June 2024. Link to FIRM website.

22.05.2024 – MSQC Group Joins Forces to Advance the Integration of Quantum Computers into HPC Systems
Goethe University Frankfurt, Forschungszentrum Jülich, ParTec and Quantum Machines have joined forces to develop a 10+ superconducting qubit system and integrate it into the supercomputing infrastructure of the Jülich Supercomputing Centre. The collaboration has now reached its first milestone with the completion of work package 1. It was launched in summer 2023. See here for details.
Photo: View inside a quantum computer. Source: Forschungszentrum Jülich

16.05.2024 – MSQC Group Participated in the International Supercomputing Conference 2024 in Hamburg
The MSQC group had a great week at the ISC 2024 conference in Hamburg. Congratulations to Thomas Lippert on his supercomputer JEDI achieving first place in the Green500 list of the world’s most energy-efficient supercomputers! He talked about the challenges and prospects of integrating our 5-qubit quantum computer “Baby Diamond” into HPC systems. The MSQC group was part of a combined GCS booth representing Goethe University Frankfurt, Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), and partners at Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) — HLRS in Stuttgart and LRZ in Garching.

07.05.2024 – Manpreet Jattana Accepted as Associated Fellow in the Johanna Quandt Young Academy
Congratulations to Manpreet! He has been accepted as an Associated Fellow in the Johanna Quandt Young Academy, JQYA. The JQYA at Goethe University aims to provide a platform for interdisciplinary knowledge sharing and professional development among young and senior scientists. This year’s theme of “Complexity” explores the multifaceted nature of complex systems theory and its implications across various disciplines, fostering dialogue and understanding among researchers. You can find out more about the Johanna Quandt Young Academy here.

22.04.2024 – Manpreet Jattana Delivers Keynote Address at ING Bank and d-fine GmbH Hackathon
On April 19, 2024, Manpreet Jattana delivered a keynote address titled “Algorithms in the Era of Noisy Quantum Hardware” at a Hackathon organized by ING Bank and d-fine GmbH. Additionally, he provided participants with insights into the history of the Stern-Gerlach experiment in Frankfurt, followed by an outdoor tour to the building where the experiment took place. The participants expressed their delight in learning about the historical significance of the location in Frankfurt’s contributions to Physics, particularly in the context of quantum computing.

18.03.2024 – “Baby Diamond” Featured in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
We’re thrilled to announce that the Baby Diamond project has been highlighted in a recent article! The piece discusses the integration of quantum computers into research and education at the universities of Frankfurt, Darmstadt, and Mainz in Germany. Check out the full article here.

30.11.2023 – Press Release
The MSQC group is thrilled to announce the upcoming acquisition of its first quantum computer, named “Baby Diamond”. Please refer to the press release for further details.

01.11.2023 – New Group Member
We are delighted to welcome Cedric Gaberle as the newest member of our group! Cedric holds a M.Sc. in Computer Science from Goethe University Frankfurt, where he specialized in designing and implementing a quantum circuit preparation algorithm. We extend our warmest wishes for a successful start and are thrilled to have him on the team!

04.10.2023 – Invitation to Speak at Bundesbank’s “Quantum Computing Community Session”
We are pleased to announce that Philip Döbler, Lucas Menger, and Manpreet Jattana have been invited to deliver a talk and conduct a live demonstration on programming a quantum computer. This event will take place on October 26, 2023, at the Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt am Main.

01.10.2023 – Neuwirth Accepts Professor Position at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Neuwirth! As of October 2023, Sarah has accepted the professorship for “High Performance Computing and its Applications” at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. This position entails leading the High Performance Computing division at the Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung (ZDV) at JGU. Sarah can be reached at the following email address: neuwirth[at]uni-mainz[dot]de
We wish you all the best and much success in your new role!

21.09.2023 – MSQC Hosts 2nd Workshop on Quantum Computing
We are pleased to announce the successful completion of our workshop on “Practical Quantum Computing,” held on September 21, 2023, at the Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt am Main. The hands-on workshop was followed by talks and introductions to the topics by Thomas Lippert, Philip Döbler, and Manpreet Jattana.

05.07.2023 – Neuwirth Selected as Workshop Chair for ISC High Performance Conference
Congratulations to Sarah Neuwirth for being appointed as the Deputy Workshop Chair for the ISC High Performance 2024 conference, scheduled to take place from May 12 to 16, 2024, in Hamburg, Germany. This role automatically entails the position of Workshop Chair for ISC 2025.

20.06.2023 – Dr. Sarah Neuwirth Wins the 2023 PRACE Ada Lovelace Award for HPC
PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) is pleased to announce that Dr. Sarah Neuwirth has been honored with the 2023 PRACE Ada Lovelace Award. The award will be presented to her at PASC 2023, the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference, held this year in Davos, Switzerland, from June 26 to 28. Dr. Neuwirth will deliver a keynote talk entitled “Leveraging HPC Performance Engineering to Support Exascale Scientific Discovery” during the event. Further information can be found in the official press release.

16.06.2023 – MSQC Hosts 1st Workshop on “Applied Quantum Computing”
We are delighted to announce the first workshop on “Applied Quantum Computing,” scheduled to take place on July 24, 2023, at Goethe University Frankfurt. The workshop will be held at FIAS, Campus Riedberg. The first part will feature expert talks providing participants with an introduction to the field of quantum computing and its applications. The second part will offer a hands-on session covering applications for both gate-based quantum computers (QCs) and quantum annealers. This session will include problem-solving using gate-based emulators and real DWave hardware. A detailed agenda can be found here. For registration, please send your full name and affiliation via email to Dr. Manpreet Singh Jattana: jattana[at] Participation is exclusively for members of the NHR.

02.06.2023 – Pitch Talk and Poster at JUQCA Day 2023
JUQCA, short for the Jülich Quantum Computing Alliance, consolidates Forschungszentrum Jülich’s endeavors in quantum computing development and application. The alliance supports participating institutes in their scientific endeavors and serves as a liaison for internal and external collaborators. As part of the Jülich Summer Academy “Future Computing Technologies”, JUQCA is hosting its second JUQCA Day on September 6, 2023. During this event, Manpreet Singh Jattana will present a poster and deliver a pitch talk.

31.05.2023 – Panel Discussion at ACM HPDC’23
Sarah Neuwirth has been invited to participate in a panel discussion on “Holistic Performance Engineering and Analysis: From UX to Low-Level Performance Data” at the 3rd Workshop on Performance Engineering, Modeling, Analysis, and Visualization Strategy (PERMAVOST’23). The workshop will be held on June 20, 2023, in conjunction with the 32nd International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC’23) in Orlando, FL, USA.

30.05.2023 – Invitation to Workshop “Potenziale des Quantencomputing – das hessische Ökosystem zwischen Forschung, Entwicklung und Anwendung”
On Wednesday, June 14, 2023, the workshop “Potentials of Quantum Computing – The Hessian Ecosystem Between Research, Development, and Application” will take place from 10:30-18:40 at Schloss Biebrich in Wiesbaden. The objective of this second workshop is to stimulate cooperation between actors from science and industry, push technology transfer, and identify focal points in the field of quantum computing in Hessen to strengthen the location in this area. Manpreet Singh Jattana will represent our research group at the workshop.
Update – 16.06.2023: Further information can be found in the official press release.

30.05.2023 – Invitation to Between the Towers Event “Quantum Computing – Bereit für große Durchbrüche?”
Prof. Lippert has been invited to speak at the upcoming Between the Towers event on June 6, 2023, discussing the fundamentals of quantum computing and its potential for significant breakthroughs. The event, titled “Quantum Computing – Ready for Big Breakthroughs?“, will be hosted by neosfer and streamed live via LinkedIn and in the neosfer Decentraland Lounge!

08.05.2023 – Minisymposia at SIAM Geosciences 2023 and ENUMATH 2023
Arne Nägel has been invited to deliver an expert talk at the SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS23), scheduled to be held from June 19 to 22, 2023, in Bergen, Norway. In the minisymposium on “Modelling and Simulation of Density-Driven Groundwater Flow,” he will present his work titled “Robust, Scalable, and Adaptive Non-Linear Solvers for Density-Driven Groundwater Flow.”
Arne is also co-organizing a minisymposium on “Efficient Solvers for Coupled Problems in Porous Media” at the European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH 2023), to be held from September 4 to 8, 2023, in Lisbon, Portugal.

03.05.2023 – Researcher Joey White-Swift Visits MSQC Group
We were pleased to host scientist Joey White-Swift from the University of Texas at Dallas from April 19 to May 3, 2023. Joey, a Systems Engineer and Ph.D. candidate specializing in CI and Networking, provided networking support and services for the university’s CI infrastructure and the university science DMZ. Additionally, he consulted with groups campus-wide to enhance security outcomes, maintained, and was recognized as a 2022 NSF Trusted CI Cyber Security Fellow. We extend our gratitude for his invaluable assistance and patience during the setup of our new infrastructure.

01.05.2023 – REX-IO Workshop Accepted at IEEE Cluster 2023
Sarah Neuwirth will jointly organize the 3rd edition of the REX-IO Workshop (Re-envisioning Extreme-Scale I/O for Emerging Hybrid HPC Workloads) with colleagues from BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus, India, and Sandia National Laboratories, USA. The workshop will be held on October 31, 2023, in conjunction with IEEE Cluster 2023 in Santa Fe, NM, USA. Stay tuned for further updates!

27.04.2023 – Two PhD Candidates Selected for the 2023 ACM Europe Summer School on “HPC Computer Architectures for AI and Dedicated Applications”
Congratulations to Zhaobin Zhu and Niklas Bartelheimer for being selected as participants for the 2023 ACM Europe Summer School on “HPC Computer Architectures for AI and Dedicated Applications,” scheduled to be held from 2 to 7 July in Barcelona, Spain. The summer school will be hosted by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).

12.03.2023 – Panel Discussion at ISC 2023
Sarah Neuwirth has been invited to participate in the panel discussion titled “The Future of Open-Source Filesystems for HPC – Competition, Cooperation, or Consolidation?” at ISC High Performance Conference 2023 (ISC23), scheduled to be held from May 21 to 25, 2023, in Hamburg, Germany. Organized by EOFS in conjunction with OpenSFS, this panel discussion forms part of the main track of the conference, focusing on open-source software and specifically filesystems for HPC. The panelists include representatives from the three key open-source filesystems in production, BeeGFS, DAOS, and Lustre, as well as representatives from HPC sites that use these filesystems.

10.03.2023 – Two Research Posters Accepted at ISC 2023
Congratulations to Philip Döbler, Zhaobin Zhu, and Niklas Bartelheimer for having their research posters accepted at the ISC High Performance Conference 2023 (ISC23), scheduled to be held from May 21 to 25, 2023, in Hamburg, Germany. Philip will present his work titled “Toward the Integration of Quantum Processors into the Modular Supercomputing Architecture.” Zhaobin and Niklas will present their work titled “MAWA-HPC: Modular and Automated Workload Analysis for HPC Systems.

08.03.2023 – Invitation to Spring School on Quantum Information Processing
Congratulations to Manpreet Singh Jattana for being invited as a guest lecturer at the spring school on ‘Quantum Information Processing – Applications on Gate-based and Annealing Systems,’ hosted by the Jülich Supercomputing Centre from March 27 to March 31, 2023! Manpreet will talk about variational methods for quantum computers.

02.03.2023 – Two Workshop Papers Accepted at IEEE IPDPS 2023
Congratulations to Zhaobin Zhu and Niklas Bartelheimer for having their workshop papers accepted at IEEE IPDPS 2023. Zhaobin will present his work titled ‘An Empirical Roofline Model for Extreme-Scale I/O Workload Analysis’ at the 4th International Workshop on Extreme-Scale Storage and Analytics (ESSA’23). Niklas will present his work titled ‘Toward a Modular Workflow for Network Performance Characterization’ at the 25th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models (APDCM’23). Both workshops will be held in conjunction with the 37th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2023) in St. Petersburg, FL, USA.

01.03.2023 – New Group Member
We are happy to welcome our new group member Julian Hilbert! He graduated with an M.Sc. in Computer Science from Goethe University Frankfurt, where he specialized in scientific computing and software development in C++. During his studies, he gained experience in using the software package UG4. Julian’s research focused on implementing models for computing the action potential of muscle fibers in a dog’s heart and studying the influence of surface waters, such as river networks, on groundwater. Julian will contribute to the HYMNE II project led by PD Dr. Nägel.

14.02.2023 – EUPEX Face-to-Face Meeting in Zagreb
The EUPEX team is currently assembled in Zagreb for a face-to-face meeting at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. This gathering presents a fantastic opportunity for exchanging ideas among project partners and enhancing the momentum of the project!
A heartfelt thank you to our gracious hosts Mario Kovac and Nikolina Lednicki.

16.01.2023 – Excursion to the Jülich Supercomputing Centre
On January 16, 2023, a group of Goethe University students spent a day at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre. The students were able to talk to leading experts in the modular supercomputing, high performance computing (HPC), and quantum computing domains. In addition, the students had the opportunity to visit the HPC and quantum computing facilities, including the JUWELS supercomputer and JUNIQ.

16.01.2023 – New Group Member
We are pleased to welcome our new group member, Manpreet Singh Jattana! He has joined the research group as a postdoc. In 2022, Manpreet was awarded his Ph.D. in Physics from RWTH Aachen, Germany. His research interests include variational methods for eigenvalue problems on quantum computers and simulators, solving problems of physical and chemical interest on quantum computers, error mitigation for Noisy-Intermediate-Scale-Quantum (NISQ) computers, and event-based simulations of quantum experiments.

13.01.2023 – Invitation from the Hessian Minister for Digital Strategy and Development
Prof. Thomas Lippert has been invited by Prof. Kristina Sinemus, Minister for Digital Strategy and Development, to a delegation trip to Canada. The aim is to promote exchange on artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and sustainable data centers.

25.11.2022 – Goethe University Joins European Open File System (EOFS) Organization
We are thrilled to announce that Goethe University Frankfurt, represented by the Modular Supercomputing and Quantum Computing group, has become a member of the European Open File System (EOFS) organization. Stay tuned for more updates!

18.11.2022 – IEEE/ACM SC22: It’s a Wrap!
We are delighted to announce the successful showcasing of our research and teaching efforts at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre’s booth at SC22: the IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis in Dallas, TX, USA. An overview of our presented work can be found here. We look forward to seeing you next year in Denver at SC23!

16.11.2022 – New Group Member
We are happy to welcome our new group member Niklas Bartelheimer! He graduated with a M.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Heidelberg University where he specialized in application specific computing. He has extensive knowledge in Linux kernel development and low-level network interfaces for Ethernet and RDMA networks like Infiniband and RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE). Niklas will focus on direct communication methods for distributed accelerator technologies and adapt them for the new pre-exascale evaluation platform EUPEX. He will also look at the aspect of I/O load balancing in parallel file systems for application and metadata.

13.11.2022 – MSQC Group at IEEE/ACM SC22
The Modular Supercomputing and Quantum Computing Group will share a booth with the Jülich Supercomputing Centre at SC22: the IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, scheduled to be held from November 13 to 18, 2022, in Dallas, TX, USA. We will showcase our latest research in modular supercomputing and quantum computing, as well as demonstrate our innovative teaching materials. Additionally, Sarah will present a paper at the EduHPC-22 workshop. Stay tuned for further updates!

11.10.2022 – New Address and Contact Information
The MSQC group has relocated to the Bockenheim campus! You can now find us at the following address:
Kettenhofweg 139, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Additionally, please note that our staff can now be reached at different phone numbers.

01.10.2022 – New Group Member
Following Prof. Wittum’s retirement, PD Dr. Arne Nägel has joined our research group as of October 1, 2022. Arne will oversee the research area of Simulation and Modeling. We warmly welcome you to our group and eagerly anticipate collaborating with you!

27.09.2022 – Neuwirth Completes IKH’s “Zertifikat Hochschullehre”
Congratulations to Sarah Neuwirth for successfully completing the “Zertifikat Hochschullehre” program offered by Interdisziplinäres Kolleg Hochschuldidaktik (IKH). Sarah will present her teaching research project in a talk titled “Bridging the Gap between Education and Research: A Retrospective on Simulating an HPC Conference” at the EduHPC-22 workshop.

12.09.2022 – Neuwirth Named as the Program Committee Co-Chair for the ESSA 2023 Workshop
Congratulations to Sarah Neuwirth for being appointed as the Program Committee Co-Chair on the organizing committee of the 4th International Workshop on Extreme-Scale Storage and Analytics (ESSA 2023). ESSA 2023 will be held in conjunction with the 37th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2023) in St. Petersburg, FL, USA.

09.09.2022 – Student Mentoring Program at IEEE Cluster 2022: It’s a Wrap!
A total of nine students participated in the IEEE Cluster 2022 Student Mentoring Program, led by Sarah Neuwirth. The program featured networking mixers and mentoring sessions covering career challenges and effective science presentations. Social activities included a trip to the Königstuhl in Heidelberg and plenty of ice cream.

09.09.2022 – Workshop Paper Accepted at IEEE/ACM SC22
Congratulations to Sarah Neuwirth for having her work accepted at SC22: the IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, scheduled to take place from November 13 to 18, 2022, in Dallas, TX, USA. Sarah will present a paper at the EduHPC-22 workshop titled “Bridging the Gap between Education and Research: A Retrospective on Simulating an HPC Conference.

05.09.2022 – New Website Online
We are excited to announce that the website of the Modular Supercomputing and Quantum Computing group is now live with a fresh design and expanded content. Stay tuned for future updates!

01.09.2022 – Zhu Selected for IEEE Cluster 2022 Student Travel Award
Congratulations to Zhaobin Zhu for being selected as a recipient of the Student Travel Award from IEEE Cluster 2022, amounting to 800€. Zhaobin will attend the conference in Heidelberg and present a workshop paper titled “A Comprehensive I/O Knowledge Cycle for Modular and Automated HPC Workload Analysis.

08.08.2022 – Invited Plenary Talk at Lattice 2022 Conference
Sarah Neuwirth has been invited to deliver a plenary review talk at the 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2022), to be held in Bonn, Germany. She will speak on the topic of Modular Supercomputing and its role in the European Exascale computing strategy. Initially established as a platform for physicists to discuss recent developments in lattice gauge theory, the Lattice conference has evolved into the largest event of its kind. It now encompasses areas such as algorithms and machine architectures, code development, chiral symmetry, physics beyond the standard model, and strongly interacting phenomena in low dimensions.

21.07.2022 – Workshop Papers Accepted at IEEE Cluster 2022
Congratulations to Zhaobin Zhu and Sarah Neuwirth for having two submissions accepted at the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), scheduled to take place from September 6 to 9, 2022, in Heidelberg, Germany. Zhaobin will present a workshop paper titled “A Comprehensive I/O Knowledge Cycle for Modular and Automated HPC Workload Analysis,” and Sarah will present a workshop paper titled “Assessment of the I/O and Storage Subsystem in Modular Supercomputing Architectures.

05.07.2022 – Invited Panelist at 1st Edition of PSCC Conference
Sarah Neuwirth has been invited to participate as a panelist at the 1st Proud and Strong in Computing (PSCC) Conference in Göttingen, Germany. PSCC aims to create a platform to enhance the visibility of underrepresented groups in the field of supercomputing and to discuss measures and opportunities to foster a welcoming atmosphere for everyone in our community.

27.06.2022 – Invited Talk at ACM PASC’22 Conference
Sarah Neuwirth has been invited to deliver an expert talk at the ACM Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC’22) Conference, scheduled to take place from June 27 to 29, 2022, in Basel, Switzerland. As part of the minisymposium on “Storage Systems at Extreme Scale for Data-Centric Workflows,” she will discuss the parallel I/O and storage environment within the context of Modular Supercomputing Architectures.

10.06.2022 – MSQC Summer Barbecue
On June 10, we held our annual Summer barbecue at Kettenhofweg 139. Our student assistants, graduate students, group members, and friends of the research group enjoyed the party. We had a blast! We are already looking forward to next year. 🙂

02.06.2022 – Invited Talk at HPC-IODC 2022 Workshop
Sarah Neuwirth will deliver an expert talk at the HPC I/O in the Data Center (HPD-IODC 2022) Workshop, to be held in conjunction with ISC High Performance 2022 in Hamburg, Germany. Her presentation will focus on parallel I/O and storage infrastructures currently deployed in the modular supercomputing systems at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC): JURECA, JUWELS, and the DEEP Prototype.

08.04.2022 – REX-IO Workshop at IEEE Cluster 2022
In collaboration with colleagues from BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus, India, and Sandia National Laboratories, USA, the Modular Supercomputing and Quantum Computing Group is organizing the 2nd edition of the REX-IO Workshop (Re-envisioning Extreme-Scale I/O for Emerging Hybrid HPC Workloads). The workshop will take place on September 6, 2022, in conjunction with IEEE Cluster 2022 in Heidelberg, Germany. REX-IO invites submissions of novel work that characterize I/O behavior, identify challenges in scientific data and storage management for emerging HPC workloads, introduce potential solutions to address these challenges, and demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed solutions to enhance I/O performance for the exascale supercomputing era and beyond.

07.04.2022 – OEHI Training Workshop: Artificial Intelligence with the Atlas Platform
On April 7, 2022, a full-day training workshop provided by the Open Edge HPC Initiative (OEHI) will focus on offering training and hands-on experience for participants to utilize the Atlas platform, which is part of the HAICGU cluster at Goethe University Frankfurt. The HAICGU pilot cluster supports HPC and AI workloads across the computing continuum. The workshop is hosted by the Modular Supercomputing and Quantum Computing group and will take place at the FIAS building, Campus Riedberg. Full details and the timetable can be found at SessionLab. To register, please visit Eventbrite.

28.03.2022 – Excursion to the Jülich Supercomputing Centre
On March 28, 2022, a group of students from Goethe University spent a day at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre. The students engaged in discussions with leading experts in the fields of modular supercomputing, high-performance computing (HPC), and quantum computing. Additionally, they had the opportunity to tour the HPC and quantum computing facilities, including the JUWELS supercomputer and JUNIQ.

02.02.2022 – EUPEX Kick-off Meeting
Hello, world! The EUPEX pilot is finally taking off today with our Kick-off meeting. EUPEX – the European Pilot for Exascale – aims to develop and demonstrate the first European platform for HPC, gathering and integrating European technologies from system architecture, processors, system software, and development tools, all the way to applications.

05.11.2021 – Invited Talk at CHPC National Conference ’21
Congratulations to Sarah Neuwirth for being invited to present her work at the CHPC National Conference 2021, which will be held virtually from December 1 to 3, 2021. She will deliver a talk titled “Evaluating and Characterizing Parallel I/O in HPC Systems: Best Practices and Future Directions” as part of the HPC Technology Session – Track: Storage and I/O.

01.11.2021 – New Group Member
We are delighted to welcome Philip Döbler as our newest group member! Philip recently graduated with an M.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Heidelberg University, where he specialized in application-specific computing and microelectronics. Philip will concentrate on designing efficient algorithms and developing a software environment to integrate quantum computing modules into the modular supercomputing architecture. Additionally, he will explore the utilization of quantum computing as an accelerator technology for selected science applications, such as those in the bioinformatics or neuroscience domains.

30.09.2021 – Acceptance of Workshop Paper at IEEE/ACM SC21
Congratulations to Sarah Neuwirth on the acceptance of her paper at SC21: the IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis. The conference will be held as a hybrid event from November 14 to 19, 2021. Sarah will present a workshop paper titled “Bridging Network and Parallel I/O Research for Improving Data-Intensive Distributed Applications.” We commend her on this achievement.

10.09.2021 – Neuwirth Announced as the Student Program Chair at IEEE Cluster 2022
Congratulations to Sarah Neuwirth for her selection as the Student Program Chair on the organizing committee of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER). IEEE Cluster 2022 will take place from September 6 to 9, 2022, at Heidelberg University in Heidelberg, Germany.

31.07.2021 – Acceptance of Workshop Paper and Poster Paper at IEEE Cluster 2021
We extend our congratulations to Sarah Neuwirth for the acceptance of two submissions to the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), scheduled to take place virtually from September 7 to 10, 2021. Dr. Neuwirth will be presenting a workshop paper titled “Parallel I/O Evaluation Techniques and Emerging HPC Workloads: A Perspective,” as well as a poster paper titled “Toward a Comprehensive Benchmark Suite for Evaluating GASPI in HPC Environments.”

16.07.2021 – Welcome Our New Group Member
We are delighted to welcome Zhaobin Zhu as our newest group member! Zhaobin recently graduated with an M.Sc. in Applied Computer Science from Heidelberg University, where his focus was on the simulation and analysis of high-performance on-chip networks. Zhaobin will be involved in developing simulator and replay tools for evaluating the performance of HPC applications in cloud and modular supercomputing environments. His work will particularly emphasize optimizing network communication and parallel I/O.

29.04.2021 – REX-IO Workshop at IEEE Cluster 2021
In collaboration with colleagues from Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories, the Modular Supercomputing and Quantum Computing Group will organize the REX-IO Workshop (Re-envisioning Extreme-Scale I/O for Emerging Hybrid HPC Workloads,, collocated with IEEE Cluster 2021. This workshop aims to contribute to the HPC community by analyzing emerging hybrid workloads, identifying gaps in data management methodologies, and providing novel techniques to enhance I/O performance for the exascale supercomputing era and beyond.

22.03.2021 – INDIS Workshop at IEEE/ACM SC21
Jointly with colleagues from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the Modular Supercomputing and Quantum Computing Group will organize the INDIS Workshop (Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science,, collocated with IEEE/ACM SC21. Every year, INDIS brings together network engineers and researchers to share challenges and potential solutions in the information systems and networking communities. Since its inaugural appearance at SC14 in New Orleans, INDIS has become the academic forum for experts, researchers, and engineers in research and education (R&E) networking.

01.03.2021 – New Group Member
We are delighted to welcome Sarah Neuwirth as our new group member! Sarah joins the research group as a postdoctoral researcher. In 2018, she earned her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Heidelberg University, Germany. Her research interests encompass high-performance storage systems, parallel I/O and file systems, modular supercomputing (including resource disaggregation and virtualization), standardized cluster benchmarking, high-performance computing and networking, distributed systems, and communication protocols.

25.01.2021 – EUPEX Project will be funded
The European Pilot for Exascale (EUPEX) Project will be funded by EuroHPC JU! The EUPEX consortium will design, build, and validate the first HPC platform integrating European general-purpose processor technology (EPI), European interconnect technology (BXI), and a European software stack for HPC. The project covers the end-to-end spectrum of required technologies: from hardware architecture and processors to system software, development tools, and applications.

01.08.2020 – Establishment of New Research Group
Renowned supercomputer researcher, Prof. Thomas Lippert, is joining Goethe University Frankfurt. Commencing August 1, 2020, the physicist and computer scientist will assume the newly created professorship for “Modular Supercomputing and Quantum Computing” at the Institute for Computer Science at Goethe University Frankfurt. With his expertise, the Center for Scientific Computing (CSC) at Goethe University is slated for further development into a national high-performance computing center, incorporating a quantum computer as a computing module. Concurrent with his appointment, Prof. Lippert will also become a Senior Fellow at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS).